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GP Fund

The GP Fund is a vehicle for partners to directly invest in Confrapar Funds. Under Confrapar's management and administration.

Fund III - Avanti

Avanti - A Growth Capital fund that has invested in technology companies. Managed by Confrapar.

FIP Blackbird

Vehicle for investing in strategic technology assets. Managed by SPE Confrapar.

KI Fund

Vehicle for investing in strategic technology assets. Under the management and administration of Confrapar.

KII Fund

Vehicle for investing in strategic technology assets. Under the management and administration of Confrapar.


Vehicle for investing in strategic technology assets. Managed and administered by Confrapar.

Fund II

Growth Capital Fund that has invested in technology companies. Managed and administered by SPE Confrapar, controlled by Confrapar.

The funds adhere to the ABVCAP/ANBIMA code, which is a code of best practices and self-regulation.